George Ashur announces candidacy for Select Board

George Ashur, 2023 electionGeorge Asher
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George Ashur announces candidacy for Select Board

My name is George Ashur.  I am running because while change is inevitable, I believe change must be executed thoughtfully – led not by a top-down approach but by the voices of residents themselves. I believe in collaboration, listening to all stakeholders, fiscal responsibility, and preserving what we love about our Town as we continue forward.

My Lifelong Connection to Milton

My Lebanese family immigrated to the United States and ran a corner store in Dorchester for over 40 years. My parents moved to Milton in the 1960s. My wife, Mary Lou, and I, purchased our first house on Allen Circle, later moved to our house on lower Canton Avenue and bought our current home on Adams Street for our growing family.

Like me, our four daughters attended Milton public schools. I went on to BC High and Holy Cross.

We attend Saint Elizabeth’s church where I am the organist/choir Director.

My Commitment to Public Service 

Many remember my service as Milton’s Warrant Committee Chair from 2017- 22, the longest tenure by any citizen in that position. Others know me as a parent representative on the Glover School Site Council, 1993-1995.

I have also served on the Boards of these not-for-profits:

  • Carney Hospital/Caritas Christi Healthcare System
  • The Daughters of Charity National Healthcare System
  • The New England Conservatory of Music
  • Curry College
  • The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory
  • Elizabeth Seton Academy
  • Carney Hospital Foundation (longest serving President)

I Am an Experienced Financial Analyst 

With a PhD from Harvard University, I have over 35 years financial analytical and management experience, including:

  • Managing partner of Blue Hill Venture Partners, a venture capital and private equity firm.
  • Director of Fixed Income Research at Wellington Management Company.
  • Head of a global research and management group at Fortis Investments.
  • Research Director for Chase Securities in New York, the predecessor to JP Morgan Securities where I frequently appeared on CNBC and other financial news programs.
  • Chair of the Draper Finance Committee, and the Curry College Finance Committee.

I humbly ask for your vote, April 25th!


George for Milton

182 Adams Street, Milton, MA 02186


Email:  [email protected]


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