Ben Zoll announces candidacy for Milton Select Board

ben zoll candidate 2023Ben Zoll
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Ben Zoll announces candidacy for Milton Select Board

It is an honor to be running for Select Board in Milton. I moved to Milton eleven years ago from Singapore to take a position at Harvard University. I chose Milton because of the stellar reputation of both its schools and its close-knit community. While living here, I’ve watched my children grow and thrive in this town thanks to our excellent schools. I have great fondness and appreciation for so many in our community who have consistently offered their time and talents to my kids’ sports teams, drama groups, musical performances, and theater productions. Like many of you, I have forged friendships on the sidelines of games and in the seats of the Pierce and High School auditoriums.

I have twenty years of non-profit and higher educational administrative experience, and now serve as Vice Dean at the Brown University School of Public Health. This line of work requires patience and listening, fiscal responsibility, and advocating for the programs and people who need support. Each of these skills is essential in local government.

I am a dedicated and involved Milton resident. Over the years, I have been actively engaged in the community, serving on Town Meeting, the Milton Foundation for Education Board, volunteering at the Farmer’s Market, and performing at Porchfest – one of the best days of the year to be in Milton. I have coached youth soccer and continue to organize an adult pick-up league.

I decided to run for Select Board because I believe it is more important than ever that town government has the voices of parents. All Milton parents are familiar with our schools’ chronic and increasing overcrowding, exacerbating the limitations on classroom resources. Milton currently spends $2,000 less per student than the Commonwealth average. Although our excellent educators and administrators strive to do their best with limited funds, it is clear that we need to invest more in our schools.

But Milton’s resource limitations are felt not just by our children: our seniors, police and fire services, and our libraries are also chronically underfunded. And all of these limitations have long-term consequences for our property values. As a candidate for Select Board, I am convinced that business as usual will no longer suffice. Milton can no longer afford to kick these challenges down the road, hoping future generations will solve them. The time for thoughtful, creative, and collaborative solutions is now.

I strongly believe there is no challenge we can’t solve together, as a community. I look forward to working hard every day on your behalf to do just that. Being positive about the future, being interested to learn about others’ experiences, and being willing to make the right decisions for our town is something I am confident I can do, with your support.

You can contact me through my website at or by emailing [email protected].

I would deeply appreciate receiving one of your two votes for Select Board on election day in Milton MA.

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