Ray Czwakiel announces candidacy for Milton Public Library Trustee

Ray Czwakiel
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Ray Czwakiel announces candidacy for Milton Public Library Trustee

I, Raymond P. (“Ray”) Czwakiel, am well-qualified to continue serving as one of your Milton Public Library Trustees by virtue of (i) my vast work experience, (ii) my community volunteer and broad travel experience and (iii) most of all, my love of, and dedication to, all public libraries and the Milton Public Library system in particular.

Working as an attorney supporting both small companies and individuals, I regularly offer clients my legal expertise and business savvy as a valued and trusted member of their team. My clients always thank me for my efforts to assist them in prioritizing their legal needs in the face of limited budgets. My participation as one of your elected Library Trustees over the past several years has demonstrated that my input and problem-solving efforts on behalf of our library system are welcomed and valued, particularly in the areas of legal and regulatory compliance and in light of our town’s chronically-tight economic environment. At various points in the past years I have served as Secretary, Treasurer and Chairperson of our Library Trustees. I am also actively involved in our community, having served as a Co-President of our Pierce Middle School PTO, board member of DotArt, and a lector and choir member for my parish. Finally, I have actively patronized and volunteered on behalf of public libraries in every community in which I have lived and bring with me to Milton a vast array of ideas and observations which I regularly share with fellow Library Trustees and library staff in support of our library system.

I am particularly proud of how our MPL Director William Adamczyk, our MPL staff, our MPL Foundation, and our Friends of the MPL have pulled together to not only “survive” COVID, but to “shine as a beacon” of superior service for our Milton community. It has been a joy to work together with my fellow Trustees and the above MPL team members to continually improve our library. In light of my qualifications and, in particular, my solemn promise to you to continue representing you and our community interests well, I respectfully request one of your three Library Trustee votes on April 26th.

More About Raymond P. Czwakiel

Raymond P. Czwakiel and his family have played an active role in Milton for over 25 years. Following education (B.S. and M.B.A.) and Air Force service (Captain) stints in New York, Ohio, Washington, Mississippi and Wyoming, Mr. Czwakiel brought his family to Massachusetts where he earned his law degree at Boston University (J.D. cum laude), began his law practice and settled in Milton.


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