Deadline to request Milton Town Election early vote by mail ballots is April 21
Any registered voter who is taking precautions related to COVID-19 in response to the declared state of emergency or the guidance of a medical professional, local or state health official or any civil authority may apply for a Vote by Mail ballot in the April 27, 2021, Annual Town Election.
There are three ways you can Vote in our upcoming Town Election:
1. In Person Voting will be available from 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. on Election Day
- Precinct 1: Tucker School, 181 Blue Hills Parkway
- Precinct 2: Milton Senior Center, 10 Walnut Street
- Precinct 3: Cunningham Park Community Center, 75 Edge Hill Road
- Precinct 4: Milton Senior Center, 10 Walnut Street
- Precinct 5: Copeland Field House-Milton High School, 25 Gile Road
- Precinct 6: Cunningham School 44 Edge Hill Road
- Precinct 7: Cunningham Park Community Center, 75 Edge Hill Road
- Precinct 8: Cunningham School 44 Edge Hill Road
- Precinct 9: Copeland Field House-Milton High School, 25 Gile Road
- Precinct 10: Tucker School, 181 Blue Hills Parkway
2. Absentee Voting by Mail.
3. Early Vote by Mail.
How to apply for Absentee Voting by Mail or Early Vote by Mail
Absentee ballots and early vote by mail ballots can only be mailed to those voters who request them in writing, though every voter is eligible during the pandemic. The written request must include the voter’s signature or that of an immediate family member or person living with the voter.
There are two ways to accomplish this:
- either complete and submit an application or
- simply write a letter that contains the voter’s name, voting address, signature, the mailing address for the ballot and contact information for the voter.
The Deadline to request Absentee and Early Vote by Mail Ballots is 5:00 p.m., Wednesday April 21, 2021.
Application forms are available on the town clerk pages on the town of Milton website at and select the link on the left of the page.
Ways to submit a request for an absentee or early voting by mail ballot by mail
Email the signed absentee ballot or early voting by mail ballot request to or fax to 617-696-6995 or place it in the drop box at Town Hall (located directly on the north side of the building) or mail it to Town Clerk, 525 Canton Ave., Milton, MA 02186. If you are emailing your application or letter, you must be able to send an image of the application as an attachment, either by scanning it or by taking a picture of it. A hand-written signature must be visible.
Ballots are mailed out in the order requests are received and voters are urged to file requests as soon as possible. The legal deadline to file a request for an absentee or early voting by mail ballot is 5:00 p.m. on April 21, 2021 but realistically voters should allow plenty of extra time for mail delivery in both directions. Ballots may be returned by mail or placed in the town clerk drop box, as described above.
Other voting and election information
For information about voting or to see the annual election ballot, visit the Milton town clerk’s pages on the town website at and select a topic in the blue Elections links on the left of the page. Questions should be sent by email to Town Clerk, Susan Galvin at or by phone 617-898-4859 during the pandemic.
The deadline to register to vote for to be eligible to vote in the April 27, 2021 Annual Town Election is April 7, 2021. Only Milton residents who are registered to vote by April 7, 2021 will be eligible to vote in this year’s Annual Town Election. Once you are registered to vote and remain at the same address, there is no need to register again.
For the convenience of our residents, the Office of the Town Clerk will be staffed until 8:00 p.m. on April 7, 2021.
To register to vote or change your voting address, party affiliation or name, to find out whether and where you are already registered or where you vote, visit
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