December 22 Select Board Milton Meeting: possible Boston Gas rate increases and CARES relief fund update

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December 22 Select Board Milton Meeting: possible Boston Gas rate increases and CARES relief fund update

This quick meeting began with a discussion regarding a petition that has recently been filed by Boston Gas to increase its gas distribution rates. The Attorney General’s office is handling this matter. Town Council, Kevin Freytag, believes that it is not in Milton’s best interest to get involved at this time.

The public can participate in public hearings, as well as provide written comments to DPU. If this rate is approved, former Boston Gas customers would see an increase in $16.00-$122.00 per year. The Select Board decided to add this issue as a future agenda item and to invite written comments. The Select Board also motioned to not intervene at this time.

The next item for discussion was the CARES relief fund money to be going to the Milton Food Pantry. The Select Board motioned to approve the Coronavirus Relief Act Municipal Program sub grant agreement between the town of Milton and the Milton Community Food Pantry Inc. as amended and discussed at this meeting and to authorize the town administrator to sign the agreement on behalf of the Board.

Additional items of discussion included:

  • Proposed timeline for annual Town Meeting Warrant to be held on May 3, 2021.
  • The Select Board approved the salary adjustment for FY2021 which included a 2% increase effective July 1, 2021.
  • Dec 29, 2020 and Jan 13, 2021 are the next future meeting dates.


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