Wells runs for Milton’s Board of Selectmen
Dear Milton Neighbors,
With the encouragement of many Milton friends and neighbors, I have decided to, once again, run for a position on the Milton Board of Selectmen! Milton is a wonderful, safe community which is blessed with great schools and with residents who truly care about our very special home.
Last year, I was overwhelmed by the support and love I received from so many during my initial campaign and when I retired as your Chief of Police. Over the past year, I have had more of an opportunity to listen to your thoughts and concerns about our Town, as well as witness the deep affinity so many share for this Town. This is what inspires and drives me to once again seek the office of Board of Selectmen.
It is my goal to represent ALL of the residents of Milton who are invested in a common purpose: to work together to improve upon those qualities that make Milton the absolute BEST place to call home.
I would treasure the opportunity to represent this great town’s best interests with all my heart and soul. To succeed will take a lot of hard work and effort, but I hope I can count on your active support and counsel during this campaign. I would be honored to have your help in any way. If you would like to assist by volunteering your time, talent or treasure, by writing dear friend cards, holding signs or just spreading the word to family, friends and neighbors about my candidacy, please let me know by contacting me at [email protected] or 617-221-6135. You can also follow me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/wellsformilton
I am excited about this opportunity and look forward to working with you on this campaign for a better future for Milton, and I respectfully ask for your vote on Tuesday, April 25, 2017.
Thank you so much,
Richard Wells
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