Poll Results: How will you vote on Question 2 (Charter School Expansion)?

Poll Results: How will you vote on Question 2 (Charter School Expansion)?Poll Results: How will you vote on Question 2 (Charter School Expansion)?
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The Milton Scene will be raising awareness of pressing ballot questions in a series of polls running up until the November 8th General Election. This survey closes October 22.

Poll Results: How will you vote on Question 2 (Charter School Expansion)?

The Massachusetts Authorization of Additional Charter Schools and Charter School Expansion Initiative, also known as Question 2, is on the November 8, 2016, ballot in Massachusetts as an indirect initiated state statute. The Milton Scene conducted an informal poll last week. The poll ran for four days and closed on October 22. 149 people participated in the poll.

63%of respondents voted against charter school expansion.

36% of respondents voted in favor of charter school expansion.

Conversation about the vote occurred mainly on the private Milton Neighbors Facebook group, though poll respondent comments included:

Public money needs to stay in public schools. Charters de facto private schools.

Charter cap disproportionately affects minorities!

What does your vote mean?


A “yes” vote supports this proposal to authorize up to 12 new charter schools or enrollment expansions in existing charter schools by the state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education per year.


A “no” vote opposes this proposal to authorize up to 12 new charter schools or enrollment expansions in existing charter schools, thereby maintaining the current charter school cap.

(source and additional information: Ballotpedia)

Miltonscene.com online polls are not intended to be a scientific sample of local opinion. Instead, they are a way for readers to share their views on the news with the Milton Scene and Milton Neighbors.
Respondents are not randomly selected, but select themselves to vote on a specific question or set of questions. In addition, while Miltonscene.com online polls are designed to allow only one vote per user, technically savvy users may find ways around this limitation. For these reasons, the polls are not presented as scientific surveys or as representative of the opinion of the general population of our readership areas, region or nation.

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