The Board of Selectmen would like to update you on our efforts to mitigate the ongoing airplane noise pollution issue in our Town.
The Town is unfortunately on the receiving end of some additional planes flying overhead due to the temporary closure of two runways at Logan International Airport. It is our understanding that this is not a long-term issue and once the two runways re-open, we will be back to our normal volume. We will keep you posted on when the patterns will resume their normal schedules.
We are keenly aware that the normal schedule is unacceptable and we continue to explore every avenue to reduce the number of planes flying over Milton. We strongly feel we are being unfairly subjected to an increased number of flights overhead and believe there are viable alternatives for the Federal Aviation Administration and Massport to consider to reduce this tremendous burden on our Town.
Below are the steps we as a Town have taken:
- Hired an aviation attorney based in Washington, D.C. to assist us in exploring our options;
- Letters have been sent to Executives of the six major airlines that land airbus 380 aircraft at Logan Airport asking them to voluntarily consider using noise-reducing devices. The relatively inexpensive units are in use in Europe and are said to be very effective in reducing airplane noise;
- Town Officials met with Massport and continue to have an ongoing dialogue with the agency, as well as with the FAA’s regional director. They continue to be responsive and are aware of the seriousness of the issue as it pertains to our residents; and
- We have another meeting scheduled soon with FAA and Logan officials to discuss options;
- We have received strong support from U.S. Rep. Stephen F. Lynch and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and are also working on getting some assistance from Sen. Edward Markey, who is on Congress’ aviation safety and security committee.
Please be assured that the Town is doing everything possible on this issue and understand how it is affecting the quality of life of all over residents. We are certainly doing all we can and will continue to do so, including working with our state and federal elected leaders and regulatory officials. For more information on this issue, visit
Please continue to file noise complaints with Massport at 617.561.3333.
Editors note:
Residents are welcome to join the grassroots effort to combat airplane abuse in Milton:
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