Growing opioid (painkiller) epidemic resulting in binge drinking and heroin addiction

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Growing opioid (painkiller) epidemic resulting in binge drinking and heroin addiction according to MSAPC community assessment

With over 40 residents and community leaders in attendance, the Milton Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition released the results of a six-month long community assessment last night at Milton BID Hospital.

High rates of binge drinking in all age groups, as well as a growing epidemic of heroin addiction in young adults—likely stemming from a growing opioid (painkiller) epidemic that is being experienced across the state, were some of the highlights.

The presentation, by Laurie Stillman, public health consultant and Milton resident, will be aired shortly on cable TV. To read the Community Assessment Report, or view the Powerpoint presentation, go online to the Coalition’s website:

1 Comment on "Growing opioid (painkiller) epidemic resulting in binge drinking and heroin addiction"

  1. Elizabeth Thomas | February 29, 2016 at 2:14 pm | Reply

    I encourage all who can to join the Milton Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition. Together we must join forces in an effort to help with this ever growing epidemic, robbing the lives of too many.

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