Help others by donating your wearable activity tracker!

William Torous, working with Recycle HealthWilliam Torous, working with Recycle Health
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Just in time for the holidays: Help others by donating your wearable activity tracker!

Do you have an unused Fitbit? Upgraded your Garmin or Jawbone and don’t know what to do with the old one?

Milton Academy student Will Torous has a solution for you – and a way to help others. Working with Dr. Lisa Gualtieri, whose research specializes in digital health communcation, Torous has a personal goal of getting 10-20 fitness tracker donations by the end of the holiday season. Touras said he’d like to “get the word out and expand our reach to as many communities as possible.” For more information about the program, visit:

How to Donate:

Donate your device to help underserved populations who want to be healthier but can’t afford wearables. You can drop your device into the donation box inside the Milton Public Library or use this paid mailing label to send in your tracker.

Lone chargers, bands, and other accessories are also much appreciated. Thank you for helping us help others!

IMPORTANT: DO NOT ENLARGE, REDUCE OR MOVE the FIM and barcodes. They are only valid as printed!

Note: Special care must be taken to ensure FIM and barcode are actual size AND placed properly on the mail piece to meet both USPS regulations and automation compatibility standards.

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