Massachusetts State Primary is today, Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024

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Massachusetts State Primary is today, Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024

Election Day voting locations and hours

Polls will be open from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm.  Voters will vote at their usual locations:

  • Precinct 1         Tucker School, Blue Hills Parkway
  • Precinct 2         Milton Senior Center, Walnut Street
  • Precinct 3         Cunningham Park Community Center, Edge Hill Road
  • Precinct 4         Milton Senior Center, Walnut Street
  • Precinct 4A      Milton Senior Center, Walnut Street
  • Precinct 5         Copeland Field House, Milton High School, Gile Road
  • Precinct 6         Cunningham School Gymnasium, Edge Hill Road
  • Precinct 7         Cunningham Park Community Center, Edge Hill Road
  • Precinct 8         Cunningham School Gymnasium, Edge Hill Road
  • Precinct 9         Copeland Field House, Milton High School, Gile Road
  • Precinct 10       Tucker School, Blue Hills Parkway

Political parties

Primaries are held in order for political parties to choose their nominees for the general election ballot. There are currently three recognized political parties in Massachusetts:

  • Democratic Party
  • Republican Party
  • Libertarian Party

Each party holds its own primary. Separate ballots are printed for each party, with only the candidates running for that party’s nomination listed.  Non-party candidates, often called “independent candidates,” don’t appear on primary ballots. They only run in the general election.

If you aren’t enrolled in a political party, you can choose a party ballot when you check-in at your polling place. Choosing a ballot won’t enroll you in a party.

Check the sample/specimen ballots before making your selection. Once you’ve chosen a ballot, you can’t change your selection.

Sample ballots

Precinct 1, 2, 4A2024 State Primary Democratic Sample Ballot – P1, 2, 4A2024 State Primary Republican Sample Ballot – P1, 2, 4A2024 State Primary Libertarian Sample Ballot – P1, 2, 4A
Precinct 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 92024 State Primary Democratic Sample Ballot – P3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 92024 State Primary Republican Sample Ballot – P3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 92024 State Primary Libertarian Sample Ballot- P3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9
Precinct  5 & 102024 State Primary Democratic Sample Ballot – P5 &102024 State Primary Republican Sample Ballot – P5 & 102024 State Primary Libertarian Sample Ballot – P5 & 10


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