Milton Public Schools June 2024 update

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Milton Public Schools June 2024 update

MHS Graduation

On Sunday, June 2 we celebrated the Class of 2024 with a wonderful afternoon on Brooks Field! Thank you to all who made such a special week of activities possible for our graduates!

Pierce in Quebec City and Washington, DC

Our Pierce students have been on the move with a 7th grade French trip to Quebec City and a 8th grade trip to Washington, DC!

After flying to Washington, students and staff enjoyed three amazing days that included visits to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, National Museum of African American History and Culture, Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, World War II Memorial, Vietnam War Memorial, White House, Capitol Building, and Arlington National Cemetery. There were also stops at the Marine Corps Memorial, Natural History Museum, and the American History Museum. While visiting Arlington National Cemetery, four Pierce students had the honor of laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

7th grade French Immersion students spent 4 days in Quebec City in May exploring all the city had to offer. Students enjoyed local foods (croissants, poutine, and maple syrup, to name a few favorites), and visited Quebec City old town, the Montmorency Falls, and the Plains of Abraham. They learned about the beginnings of French civilization in America, did several workshops (maple syrup butter and lollipops, copper artworks), danced on a boat cruise, and practiced their conversational French. They had a packed 4 days and made many lifetime memories!

There are many members of our school community who deserve a heartfelt thank you for their support of these incredible experiences. These opportunities would not be possible without our wonderful teachers and staff who give their time to travel with their students.

Elementary Highlights

Our elementary schools have been buzzing with activity this month with field days, spirit weeks, end of year projects, field trips, academic competitions, concerts, art shows and so much more! Enjoy a peek at the month inside Cunningham, Collicot, Tucker and Glover below!

Congratulations, Dr. Bill Fish!

The Massachusetts School Administrators’ Association (MSAA) recently visited Pierce to formally congratulate Pierce Principal Bill Fish as the Middle School Massachusetts Principal of the Year! They shared that Dr. Fish emerged as the winner based on his passionate efforts in support of the students and staff at Pierce Middle School.

The MSAA writes, “The selection committee thoroughly enjoyed Dr. Fish’s responses to the interview questions. His work as an instructional leader, forward thinker and team player came across in a most articulate and humble manner. He is thrilled to be working alongside Pierce Middle School staff.

A Pierce parent shared that “Dr. Fish’s calm, consistent, engaged demeanor creates a safe community where everyone is valued. He leads by example, always remaining approachable, attentive, calm, and respectful. Dr. Fish brings new ideas to the table and advocates for and participates in open discussions, both informally and through more formal platforms, such as panels and community discussions. He employs an incredible sense of listening and honesty. His warm smile and calm demeanor create belonging, unity and ensures safety”.

A Pierce teacher writes that “Dr. Fish is approachable and many students share that he is their safe person. He has demonstrated a commitment to fostering a calm and healthy environment at our school. Dr. Fish reshaped accelerated classes and has been proactive in addressing racism. Dr. Fish is open to new ideas and provides students and teachers with opportunities to be creative”.

Dr, Fish shared that this award is a reflection of the thoughtful and sustained work done over the last several years by the entire Pierce community – administration, teachers, support staff, students and families. Congratulations, Dr, Fish, on this well deserved award!

Welcome to the Class of 2037!

Over the last few weeks we welcomed 348 new kindergarteners to the Milton Public Schools! Our youngest new students attended K screening, met with Kindertgarten teachers and MPS staff, made new friends and most importantly, received their new “I’m going to Kindergarten” t-shirt! This summer there will be opportunities for playdates and story times, as we get ready to welcome the Class of 2037 to MPS!

MPS Community Conversation

Thank you to all who attended our Community Conversation on June 10. If you have not had a chance to read the priority report, it is linked here on our website and in Google drive. The MPS Leadership Team looks forward to more opportunities to connect with the community as the implementation phase begins during the next school year.

Who’s who at MPS

Superintendent, Dr. Peter Burrows – 617-696-4808p[email protected]

Asst. Supt. for Finance and Operations, Dr. Glenn Pavlicek – 617-696-5041g[email protected]

Director of Student Services, Danielle Wetmore – 617-696-5040 ext 5572[email protected]

Transportation Coordinator 617-696-5040 ext 5510[email protected]

Milton Community Schools Director, Martha Sandoval – 617-696-5040 ext 5544[email protected]

Food Service Director, Natalia Perez – 617-696-4470 ext 5514n[email protected]

Director of Nursing, Kim Coughlin – 617-696-4470 ext 5517[email protected]

Athletic Director, Michael Bierwirth – 617-696-4470 ext 5515[email protected]

Student Registrar, Sarina Burke – 617 696-5040 ext 5516[email protected]

Family Outreach Liaison, Marti O’Keefe McKenna – 617-980-7343[email protected]



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